
Serving on the Board of LAM

Serve as a LAM Canada Board Member:

Purpose of the Position: Board members are first of all, members of the Corporation with all the corresponding responsibilities and privileges. The Board is responsible to oversee the operations of the Mission; to ensure its faithfulness to the purposes and vision for its ministries. The Board communicates with the organization through the Executive Director and through regular business meetings. Board members are active in their interest and support for the work of the Mission.

Duties and Responsibilities: Board members fulfill their role through formal decisions using the Carver Policy Model and according to the Ontario Non-Profit Corporations Act (yet to be enacted). Board members do not receive compensation for their work. Board meetings are held approximately 8 times per year, in the Toronto region. Members may attend by electronic means when they are not able to attend in person. In person attendance at the Annual General Meeting in the Fall each year is highly valued. Meeting materials are prepared by the Executive Director and distributed in advance. Board members are expected to be familiar with the information in order to aid the discussion at meetings.

Committees: From time to time the Board will establish Sub-committees to undertake specific functions. Board members are encouraged to participate along with other volunteers and any staff assigned to the committee. Standing Committees: Finance (Audit)

Talents / Skills / Experience required: Board members must demonstrate a commitment to the aims of the organization, and as Corporation members sign the Statement of Faith. It is the desire of the Mission to have diverse experience, knowledge, with both women and men across the age ranges around the Board table. Additionally, the Mission seeks to have a Board which is skills based. The following skills have been identified and highly valued:

  • Pastoral, ministerial
  • Latin cultural understanding
  • Finance (accounting)
  • Management
  • Human Resources
  • Information and technology management
  • Christian community
  • Marketing
  • Legal (law)

Personal attributes that will benefit the Mission:

  • Committed to the Christian faith and growth of the Latin American Church
  • Passion for the cause, emotionally engaged
  • Time- preparation and participation at meetings and commitment to participate actively in the work
  • Attentiveness to potential problems/trouble, and willing to participate in their solutions
  • Anxious to serve on committees
  • Ability and propensity to give above average financially
  • Strong desire for stewardship or experience in leadership in similar work
  • Supportive, respectful and inspire collaboration but willing to express their own opinion
  • Complementary personality with other Board members, and able to work through conflicts
  • Professional skill

Terms of Service: Board members are appointed annually at the Annual General Meeting of the membership. The maximum continuous term is six years.

Training provided: New Board members receive an orientation (Board Chair and Executive Director), and participate in the special development and training activities of the Board as set up from time to time

Position Risk level: Board members actions are protected by Agency insurance with Canadian Council on Christian Charities.

Benefits and Opportunities: The role of a Board member is tantamount to that of being an overseer or elder in the sense of 1 Timothy 3. Serving on the board of a mission organization is a noble task. Board members must also keep hold of the deep truths of the Christian faith with a clear conscience. Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus. We rejoice greatly as we see God at work in the lives of thousands of people and increase our sense of belonging, participation and the opportunity to serve together the wider family of God in the Latin American continent and beyond.